Sunday, December 28, 2014

Missing the straight...

Hi, and how's your hair today? I must be totally honest, I'm missing my straight hair. I love my natural curls, but I've been no heat since late August and I miss my straighteners. I've had loads of support from friends ("If you straighten your hair, I'll cut it all off!") and I even gave my straighteners to one of my friends to resist the temptation, ("Give me your straighteners, you're not seeing them till prom!") so until late May, when our prom is, I will be curly wurly. However, to keep myself happy, I've dyed my hair various colours (red, brown, etc) and after my last dye mishap, [see last post I've resorted to using a brand that I know works.

This is the box
 As you can see, it's a nice red/auburn colour, Red Hot Rhythm but the brand Soft Sheen Carson has got hydrogen peroxide in it. Some people have issues with using dye that has peroxide in it, but it's only a problem if you dye your hair alot.

Which I don't.
However, peroxide means that the dye will actually penetrate your hair and stay there, because the hair shaft is opened up and the colour is deposited. Which is why 'permanent' dyes that don't have hydrogen peroxide in them don't work with hair that isn't blonde unless you bleach your hair first (with hydrogen peroxide - see the irony?). So it's best to just use dyes with peroxide because you're subjecting your hair to the chemicals only once.
See my logic?
Anyway, I thought I'd make this post longer by putting up some hair styles that have straight hair. Since I miss my straight hair so much. *le sigh*.

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